
The home of a Witch

Education - it's always about what you know.  Hopefully my blog will give some perspective on my life as a Solitary, Eclectic Witch.  I mix curandismo, native american, saints, candle magick in my walk and talk.  I work with herbs, stones, flowers to make life better.  I meditate for messages from my guides, to stay calm, work through challenges.  My journal helps me remember thoughts, outcome of a particular spell, funny stories, emotions, dreams that are crazy, scary and puzzling - it also marks my progress on this wonderful journey.

Dorothy Morrison ~ A Witch I truly admire and hope that she doesn't mind  me quoting from  her book "The Craft A Witch's Book of Shadows"...Remember that practice makes perfect, and that your magic is only as good as the effort you're willing to put into it."

I believe that works in every facet of life.

There are many Witches that have helped with my education - first starting with my mom; though she would deny this.  But her teachings and my dad's healings have brought me to this very point in my life.  One day I realized, that it was mom that throughout my life had given me the "fun" tools used in the Craft.

My personal library holds valuable teachings from Silver RavenWolf, Dorothy Morrison, Jacki Smith, Ellen Dugan, Gerwina Dunwich, Laurie Cabot, Margo Adler and so many other greats.  

Thank you all for bringing magick into my life and for showing me ways to commune with the Goddess.