Saturday, September 14, 2013

Harvesting the Magick to my Will

A couple of things I'd like to address in this blog:  Advanced Magick and Harvest Time

I've started a new position working outside of the house.  Even though I was excited about the new position, because it's been years since a position really excited me, I found that I didn't want to share the news with a few folks in my life.  By their own nature, they are jealous and lead unhappy lives.  Also believing in Quantum Physics - I know that when you share anything with anyone it brings their energy into the matter.  I didn't want their "negative" energy interferring with or affecting my new position.  Unfortunately, the news did reach them and asked me about my news.
Damn it.
Now what?

This is what I know..."Witches have control over our lives and are responsible for our actions."  I believe I learned this from Dorothy Morrison. 

With powerful magickal days approaching, the Harvest Full Moon on the 19th, the Autumnal Equinox on the 22nd, a New Moon, another Full Moon and Samhain in the vicinity - it came to me that I could work the magick so that their energy would not conflict with mine.  The "magick" being "me" and learning a very important belief.

So...this Full Moon I will begin by working a spell so that I can learn to believe that other's distrust, jealousy, conflicts and animosity will never affect my magick or my life.  And this is where Advanced Magick comes into play.  I will continue the same spell adding more "spice" during the power days.   Each time the spell growing stronger and my will more determined.  The October New Moon will be focused on maintining the new position so that it grows to its full potential.  The October Full Moon will focus on a re-newed push on the original spell.  Can you say "Empowerment"?  Advanced Magick to me means that you have the will-power and tenancity to work the spell continuously because the final outcome is so important.

At the Equinox and at Samhain - Mabon (equinox) which is our second harvest in the Wheel and Samhain our third and final harvest of the season the spell will expand to include the following:

"I wish for all of my friends and family a meaningful harvest and that everyone can really take the time to examine this past year, for things in which we succeeded and those in which we came up short, people who we became closer to and those who we allowed to slip farther away. I want to thank everyone for this past year and all of the support I received through the excitement and the struggle, and to apologize to anyone who I may have wronged and probably not apologized personally. I hope this new year brings us all closer to our goals, our values, and our family and friends."

This was a friend son's wish at Yom Kippur and I knew the moment I read it that this would push my will to not allowing other's to interfere with how things go in my life. Why?


The Universe and Spirt love gratitude.  So, with of few minor changes to his wish and making it mine, I will be grateful for this years' harvest and the bounty the Universe and Spirit have brought to my door.

The spell that brought this financial boon into my life was shared with me by my lovely sister...
Take a non-descriptive but pretty glass, fill with spring water, place 7 silver coins in the water and a quartz crystal; every Friday toss out the old water and refill with spring water to ensure financial prosperity coming your way.  Place the glass in a prominent place.  Mine is on our dining room table which happens to be the center of the house.

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