Monday, November 18, 2013

Burning a 7-Day Candle?

This past week I learned from kraxyboytx a very cool way to dress your 7 day  novena candles. When you purchase your candles or particular oils, they are not normally prepared for magick.  You can always ask at the store if they are - still it makes sense to add your energy and amplify your intention.

I thought I'd share with you...

Ingredients and tools:

  • Knife or a special tool you use for carving your candles
  • Mortar and pestle
  • Something very long to make 3 holes in your candle - I used a long thick screwdriver which I blessed with Florida Water and a flame (I'll keep this for future use for candles only)
  • Sea salt or black sea salt (depending if you're bringing or removing energy)
  • Oil for what your intention calls for
  • Herbs representing your intention 
  • A small piece of foil to cover the candle if not burning the candle immediately
Center yourself for the working by taking deep breathes and releasing.
Cast a circle if you wish - Create Sacred Space
Carve the wax on top by creating a special sigil or simple straight lines.
Stab 3 holes in the candle all the way to the bottom - I ran the length of the screwdriver in a flame of a candle to make this easier.
For the next ingredients a small amount goes a long way:
Add the salt
Add the oil
In mortar and pestle crush and blend the herbs keeping your intention firmly in your mind (blend in a clockwise manner for the future) and add to the candle.

This is what I really love...hand gestures to bless, activate and lock in the energy/intention:

Hands facing each other over candle, with thumb and middle finger of your right hand pressed together imagine pulling a string of energy from the palm of your left hand; take the string and wrap three times clockwise around your candle - moving the motion from top to bottom; take both hands (don't touch the candle) run them down the side of your candle top to bottom - imagine the energy of the ingredients you've just added blending into the candle from top to bottom .  Do this movement three times.

Then cover the top of the candle with foil until you're ready to use.

You can chant your intention or say a prayer through-out the process or at the end during the hand gesture.

If you casted a circle - remember to open the sacred space.

Blessed be.

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