Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Full Moon Blessings for January, Witches!

I've never had the opportunity to share a Full Moon with a coven - I've always walked alone.  I can't explain the feeling when it's just me and Her...but it's a damn good feeling.

Blessed Be!

Monday, January 13, 2014

A New Direction

It's so disappointing to find an interesting blog only to find out that the author has abandoned the blog.  My blog is always in the back of my mind. I agree with other writers that it's hard to find topics to write about.  However, being a Witch, there should always be something to write about...and there is, if I could get my head out of my ass.  I have all these ideas I'd like to write about and then end up scratching the thought.

So last night, an idea sparked.  I'm taking my blog in a different direction.  I do hope you enjoy it - still learn from it.


Monday, November 18, 2013

Burning a 7-Day Candle?

This past week I learned from kraxyboytx a very cool way to dress your 7 day  novena candles. When you purchase your candles or particular oils, they are not normally prepared for magick.  You can always ask at the store if they are - still it makes sense to add your energy and amplify your intention.

I thought I'd share with you...

Ingredients and tools:

  • Knife or a special tool you use for carving your candles
  • Mortar and pestle
  • Something very long to make 3 holes in your candle - I used a long thick screwdriver which I blessed with Florida Water and a flame (I'll keep this for future use for candles only)
  • Sea salt or black sea salt (depending if you're bringing or removing energy)
  • Oil for what your intention calls for
  • Herbs representing your intention 
  • A small piece of foil to cover the candle if not burning the candle immediately
Center yourself for the working by taking deep breathes and releasing.
Cast a circle if you wish - Create Sacred Space
Carve the wax on top by creating a special sigil or simple straight lines.
Stab 3 holes in the candle all the way to the bottom - I ran the length of the screwdriver in a flame of a candle to make this easier.
For the next ingredients a small amount goes a long way:
Add the salt
Add the oil
In mortar and pestle crush and blend the herbs keeping your intention firmly in your mind (blend in a clockwise manner for the future) and add to the candle.

This is what I really love...hand gestures to bless, activate and lock in the energy/intention:

Hands facing each other over candle, with thumb and middle finger of your right hand pressed together imagine pulling a string of energy from the palm of your left hand; take the string and wrap three times clockwise around your candle - moving the motion from top to bottom; take both hands (don't touch the candle) run them down the side of your candle top to bottom - imagine the energy of the ingredients you've just added blending into the candle from top to bottom .  Do this movement three times.

Then cover the top of the candle with foil until you're ready to use.

You can chant your intention or say a prayer through-out the process or at the end during the hand gesture.

If you casted a circle - remember to open the sacred space.

Blessed be.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

"If you have any questions to ask—ask them freely—and if it be in my power, I will answer without reserve—without reserve.

I asked a few questions of minor importance—paid her $2 and left—under the decided impression that going to the fortune-teller's was just as good as going to the opera, and cost scarcely a trifle more—ergo, I will disguise myself and go again, one of these days, when other amusements fail."

- Mark Twain ~ Fragment of a letter to his brother Orion Clemens New Orleans, February 6, 1861
[The clairvoyant of this visit was Madame Caprell, famous in her day. Fee was $2; address, 37 Conti Street]
~Artist Unknown
Found on this site...

Monday, November 4, 2013

Totems and Their Messages

A Solar Eclipse was just upon us during the New Moon.  There will not be another solar eclipse of this type for another ten years.  And, I wondered, while reading of these energies from the most educated astrologers and Witches that I admire and trust - how would these two events affect me?  Would I be in the negative or the positive of these powerful energies?  Since I’m still learning to trust my instincts - I just never know.

The Dark Moon has always brought out the dark energies that are a part of my shadow-self. I start to sense them a few days before the New Moon and am pretty proud of myself for now being able to recognize those dark emotions.  I now see myself "apart" from myself - if that makes any sense to you and I simply take note.  Pull back when I need to or stay in the moment of what is occurring.

The arrival of a message...

For the past few days Lion has been trying to get my attention.  On the second sighting I always tell myself "...if there is a third, pay attention."  The third time was in a dream.  Even this morning there have been a few times I’ve seen him.

It was time to study Lion as a totem.

I was surprised to learn that the Lion totem corresponded with Sun's feminine energies telling me to pay attention or trust the energies of creativity, intuition and imagination.  To me, the Sun’s energies have always corresponded to the male.  I’ve also learned that this totem may provide the possibility of an opportunity to awaken to a new sun (or new adventure).  The Lion's "cycle of power" is year-round.

Last night’s dream had me waking up nervous almost scared and my first thought was that something was coming - beware.  In Ted Andrew’s interpretation of the Lion totem, he wrote to not be afraid to roar if feeling threatened or intruded upon.  He also writes, “…If a lion has shown up as a totem, you can expect lessons and issues dealing with community and groups to surface.  (Lion’s live in prides)  There may be a need to examine your own role in the group.” (So must I look at my role in the family and how it's being played?) It avoids confrontations and will leave the scene of danger if possible. (Makes sense, I’m a Libra and truly hate confrontations.) It kills by strangulation.

During my research, my attention was drawn to an old familiar - Panther. 

It’s all connected. 

The Lion and Panther both hunt primarily by stealth.  Both kill by strangulation, though a Panther strikes from behind.
The cycle of power for the Panther is the Dark Moon, New Moon and winter. 
Symbols are ferocity and valor without the solar significance - meaning the attention is on it's female energies. 
They are fiercer than Lions. 
They are loners.
Panther also implies that an "old issue may finally begin to resolve or even that longstanding wounds begin to heal, and the healing will come reclaiming of power that was lost at the time of the wounding." During this time of year, I recall an old wound and am always questioning how to heal it.

Now, once again, I am reminded of the power of my totem, which is so familiar to me that I tend to take her for granted.  She is female, it was confirmed in an Akashic reading by Jacki Smith creatrix of Coventry Creations.

The path of the Craft is ever-learning, which sometimes means going back to books collecting dust on a shelf or leading us to new writings by trusted authors. 

So what about the Lion?  Was he just a reminder of the Panther totem?  I’m not sure.  I do “know” that this is a “work in progress” and now after a bit of research and understanding this totem's energies…meditating on the Lion is in order.

Blessed be, Witches!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Harvesting the Magick to my Will

A couple of things I'd like to address in this blog:  Advanced Magick and Harvest Time

I've started a new position working outside of the house.  Even though I was excited about the new position, because it's been years since a position really excited me, I found that I didn't want to share the news with a few folks in my life.  By their own nature, they are jealous and lead unhappy lives.  Also believing in Quantum Physics - I know that when you share anything with anyone it brings their energy into the matter.  I didn't want their "negative" energy interferring with or affecting my new position.  Unfortunately, the news did reach them and asked me about my news.
Damn it.
Now what?

This is what I know..."Witches have control over our lives and are responsible for our actions."  I believe I learned this from Dorothy Morrison. 

With powerful magickal days approaching, the Harvest Full Moon on the 19th, the Autumnal Equinox on the 22nd, a New Moon, another Full Moon and Samhain in the vicinity - it came to me that I could work the magick so that their energy would not conflict with mine.  The "magick" being "me" and learning a very important belief.

So...this Full Moon I will begin by working a spell so that I can learn to believe that other's distrust, jealousy, conflicts and animosity will never affect my magick or my life.  And this is where Advanced Magick comes into play.  I will continue the same spell adding more "spice" during the power days.   Each time the spell growing stronger and my will more determined.  The October New Moon will be focused on maintining the new position so that it grows to its full potential.  The October Full Moon will focus on a re-newed push on the original spell.  Can you say "Empowerment"?  Advanced Magick to me means that you have the will-power and tenancity to work the spell continuously because the final outcome is so important.

At the Equinox and at Samhain - Mabon (equinox) which is our second harvest in the Wheel and Samhain our third and final harvest of the season the spell will expand to include the following:

"I wish for all of my friends and family a meaningful harvest and that everyone can really take the time to examine this past year, for things in which we succeeded and those in which we came up short, people who we became closer to and those who we allowed to slip farther away. I want to thank everyone for this past year and all of the support I received through the excitement and the struggle, and to apologize to anyone who I may have wronged and probably not apologized personally. I hope this new year brings us all closer to our goals, our values, and our family and friends."

This was a friend son's wish at Yom Kippur and I knew the moment I read it that this would push my will to not allowing other's to interfere with how things go in my life. Why?


The Universe and Spirt love gratitude.  So, with of few minor changes to his wish and making it mine, I will be grateful for this years' harvest and the bounty the Universe and Spirit have brought to my door.

The spell that brought this financial boon into my life was shared with me by my lovely sister...
Take a non-descriptive but pretty glass, fill with spring water, place 7 silver coins in the water and a quartz crystal; every Friday toss out the old water and refill with spring water to ensure financial prosperity coming your way.  Place the glass in a prominent place.  Mine is on our dining room table which happens to be the center of the house.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Enchanting Herbs

This year, my potted plants were mostly herbs...a plant that would be a magickal benefit.  There's...

Peppermint, Bay, Rosemary, Lemon Verbena, Oregano
Sage, Lemon Grass

Just the thought that a full magickal cycle will have occurred when these herbs will be used in my magick - or in yours:  I do share - is very exciting to this Witch.  The magick started at the soil, from the soil, to the growth of the herb, to the enchantment of my magickal intent, the spell, the magick out into the Universe and yes, finally to fruition.

No permission is needed from the plant if you've grown it yourself.  If you're out in Nature then, yes - you must ask permission - ask the plant if it will share, then take a moment to "sense" it's reply.

When I read Cunningham's book "Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs" I found out that enchanting a plant isn't really necessary, but he stated that there isn't a Witch around who will use a plant without enchanting it first. I agree, it's all about the magick.

From years of walking my Spiritual path - I now follow my instincts and have made the enchantment my own.  Remember:  The magick is yours and you are the magick.

When the Moon is in the right cycle, I cut the herb and to stay in the mainstream of the Enchantment, I let the herb know my intention: protection, financial prosperity, love, sleep, etc.  I gather you, (herb) to increase my (intent).  I will then place the herbs on my altar repeating my intent and visualizing it as clear as I possibly can.  I will handle the herb with my hands, my fingers, holding the intent firmly in my mind and connecting the energy of the plant with my energy - creating a very important connection.

I found a verse for enchanting herbs some time ago in an Old Crone's book.  For me, this enchantment simply says it all.  I also say it to awaken the dried herbs that are in my cupboard before use.  I'm sharing, but you can create your own enchantment or find one that works specifically for you.

Remember, remember the oldest of herbs
The fruit of the vine, the root and the words.
You have the power of three and thirty!
You have the power to heal and promote healthy growth!
You have the power of strength and success!
You have the power to move in any direction.
I magnetize thee to (insert specific intent and purpose).
Awaken! Awaken!
Bring my will to perfection!

The herbs are now ready to be used in sachets, infusions, baths, oils, incense - what ever your heart desires.

Happy Enchanting!