Monday, February 25, 2013

Full Moon Today: 2:26pm Central Time

Be aware that during the full moon phase, anything that needs an extra boost can be done because this when the moon is at its height of energy and power. This is a good time to meditate on increasing psychic abilities and fertility. The full moon brings enormous productivity and this a good time to complete projects. 

We've just celebrated Imbolc and realized that we are at mid-winter and I am so wanting for Spring to come early.  Cabin fever - you bet, though this Nebraska winter wasn't much to complain about.  I'm simply tired of putting on and taking off my coat, shoveling snow. Though the brisk February wind is always good for removing any stagnant energy you may carry around with you.  Often, on a windy day, I stand outside and just let the wind blow through me and I visualize all that extra baggage being taken with the wind.  Blown away and dissolved into the ether. 

February's Full Moon to me is the Quickening Moon.  I start looking for her just about sundown in the Eastern sky - and just like magick, there She is. Always upon seeing Her I offer a greeting.  "Hello Lady.  I acknowledge you and thank you for your blessings."  By shining all evening long, She blesses me in my dreams.

Now, there are many energies in play today and factor in to the energies of our lives.  I know that this Full Moon is in the sign of Virgo and that Virgo's energies will effect anything we come across our daily life.

Only this is about February's Full Moon.  If you stand outside - take a quiet moment and can hear Mother Earth wakening from her slumber.  My flower beds are starting to stir under their blanket of soil and snow.  I sense a quickening.

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