Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Sometimes you catch yourself staring off into space, not even a tiny blink - where did your mind go?  To that peaceful place and only you can answer why.

When did meditation come into my life?

I guess it's always been there, but went unnoticed.  In my Catholic years, it was prayer during mass, a prayer before bed, a prayer before a big decision.  I could go on and on.  

However, these days, it is as often as I can. With a knowledge of how and why.
I love to meditate.  
I will be honest, I do shy away - life gets busy and before I know it, it's been days, weeks, months - finally head slap to forehead...well damn, no wonder I'm not centered. No wonder I'm a walking cranky bitch. And this one is big...no wonder I haven't heard my guides.

Meditation is an answer I always find myself suggesting to friends and family when we're chatting and I hear a disconnect in their voice, body posture.  Do they listen - some may others don't.  So their problems persist.  I'm not shy about saying "I told you so."

Meditation is something I believe the medical profession should prescribe, but instead they give you a prescription for what ever ails.  Many folks are now coming to realize what Witches have always known.  It is a part of the old ways and much craved by our own mind and body.

It is becoming acceptable and the benefits are becoming obvious.  People are realizing they want to be healthy - they want their children and spouses to live healthy, long lives and are finding ways to do it on their own.  Metaphysical stores are now just around the corner, health food stores are in abundance, organic is the "new age", community vegetable gardens are popping up in urban communities.  For this Witch, it's exciting to see.  I myself have quit a 35 year habit - I've stopped smoking. Pat on the back for me.

Not meaning to get off track, however this brings me to...

There are many reasons to meditate:

  • solve problems or challenges
  • work through the Chakras (if you don't know what these are - find out. It is for your own benefit.)
  • receive messages from your Spirit Guides
  • meet your familiars - if you know who they are thank them
  • meet your Spirit Guide(s)
  • find your passion(s)
  • you actually find out that you're not alone and there is a bigger purpose
These are some of the benefits I've received:
*in part from Feng Shui Lifestyle by Laurie Bornstein
  • relaxes the nervous system
  • relieves muscle tension - big for stress release
  • diminishes intensity of headaches/migraines
  • improves depression
  • releases fears (this is something we all have)
  • generates optimism, self-esteem, confidence, motivation
  • stop nasty habits
  • improves your intuition
  • improves your chats with Spirit and brings you to your center  For me this is a big one.
It is so easy to do!

Feel free to find any comfortable position: sit or lay down.  

I just suggest (from experience) not in the tub - many times an individual will fall asleep during meditation because the body demands it...it's not a bad thing to fall asleep; just not in the tub for obvious reasons.

Light a candle, burn incense. You don't have to.
Even as you lay your head on your pillow for the night and after a crazy day - clear your mind.

The only rules that matter...  
  1. shut off your phone
  2. make sure you're not disturbed - yes, I know this can be difficult especially if you have children. But the rewards are amazing. 
There's much more to meditation. For instance, the mudras or the position of hands, fingers, body. What music to choose - this enhances my meditations.  And, because I'm a Witch I consider the color of the candle to burn. the energies of the day and especially Lunar positions.

Meditation isn't difficult and it shouldn't be - you won't do it if you make it so.

There is so much to meditation that I'm contemplating of having a workshop.  I'll meditate on it and let you know. 

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