Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Question Asked

Someone asked me recently, “What are the benefits of Witchcraft?”

For a moment I was stunned, but just a brief moment.  Then a peaceful feeling came over me – that’s one of the benefits of the Craft – it allows you to stand true to your religion and know that it is all one big benefit.  It benefits you in every way imaginable.

The Craft encompasses you.

It’s not to be trifled with – you can’t use it when you want and expect the benefits it can offer.  If you want the Goddesses and Gods to know you and grant you your heart’s desires (if that’s what they wish for you as well) you must get to know them, talk to them – sit in silence with them.  Constantly.  If your intention is true and sincere, you will always be given what you ask for.  I do know from experience it isn’t always in the manner you expected. Surprise!  So…careful what you ask for.

Three things I believe:  Harm none; What you send out comes back to you three-fold; Treat others as you would want to be treated.

When you work the Craft, you work energy. So take care.

Everything has energy.  Positive, negative or neutral. Powerful. Remember your science 101 here.

You work it with your imagination.
You work it with your intention.  With your heart. 
Your intuition is practiced therefore – gets stronger. 
You learn to trust that intuition – your gut feeling.
You learn so much about yourself - even if you want to or not.  If (big if) you open up to the lessons you’re given.

It is a healing.

You grow with the Craft.  It is forever teaching you something. 

When Spirit talks to me – it stops me dead in my tracks.  It happens, you will receive messages.   The feeling is amazing.

I will introduce you to seven energy points – yes, I said seven, but that’s just me.  Another benefit of practicing Wicca and the Craft as a Solitary – you walk your path as no one else does.

So let’s take a walk…

Let's open a sacred circle...we'll walk the circle clockwise and meet the elemental directions of energy.

When we face North – we face the energies of Earth; here there is learning of your lineage – the old ones - the ancients; you’ll find comfort here.  A calming, grounding and centering energy.
Facing East we are welcomed by the wind and the power of Air – you let your imagination go.  Open up your mind’s eye and experience creativity - find where your mind can and if you allow…take you.
Turning South you feel the heat of Fire – the energy of passion, protection, strength.

Water energy in the West - leads our path to Intuition and tells many things, and allows travel into the astral plane.

Continuing our walk of the sacred circle you find yourself facing North again.

Let's step to the center; simply and intuitively feeling the center in your belly.  Feet firmly planted on the ground.  For me, it feels like butterflies in my belly.

Then like the Sorceress this path has made me…I toss my hands and imagination up toward the heavens and grow the sacred circle all the way up to tap into the energy of the Universe.  My imagination soars.

Then softly, but firmly my hands flow below and in my mind’s eye taking the circle down through crust, mantle, outer core,  to her inner core and feel the strength and energy of Gaia.
Finally, I bring the power of the circle to center and greet Spirit. No explanation needed here – You speak (or listen) to Spirit one-on-one.

Seal the circle as you choose.  I stomp my foot on the ground and sense it all come together.
Inside this sacred circle, you work the energies you have invited to protect; you work with the energy of plants, herbs, stones, candles, your imagination, your intention and your will to create the world which makes you happy, healthy and wise.

Once the magick has been completed – close the circle – and you must always, always close the circle.  Magick will grow chaotic wherever you’ve opened a circle and not closed.
There is so much more - so until you are ready to do further study – don’t attempt.  I don’t want to scare you, BUT the Craft is a responsibility – you’re trifling with Nature – so you must be respectful.

This isn’t the only way to meet the energies that surround us and are available to us.  There are many ways to connect with energy.

This is by no means all there is to the Craft.  We are only beautiful humans and life happens, but walking this sacred path you have all the tools to make your world and, with permission, those you love better.  The tool which the Creator has given you – yourself.  If this is your calling – you will learn to trust in what you do or it won’t work.  Magick fizzles out sometimes.  For many reasons.

What are the benefits of Witchcraft? – there’s just too many to mention.   So pick up your broom, saddle up and let your imagination take flight!

Yes…simply imagine.

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