Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Magick of Power: Power = Strength

A Witch works with nature to make things manifest.  Universal energy will grant power to your magick.

The magick of power starts with you asking yourself, "How true am I to my power"?

Just recently some serious issues have cropped up in my life.

Recognizing a need for direction, I have been pulling a card - just one card - every morning from an Angel Tarot deck asking what do I need to do today to bring me closer to my power?  The last card pulled instructed that I needed to "let go" and trust that the Angels and Spirit will handle what needs to be handled.  So...I let go and am allowing my life to unfold as it may.

It was that simple.  I stood up, said "okay" - I let go.

This "letting go" message is so in-time for the Full Moon, I'm sure you've noticed Her - glowing in the evening sky.  A Full Moon is the perfect time to be a Witch and walk the talk.

In chatting with a friend - Spirit talked through her.  How? We noticed that her birthday is on the Full Moon and she said, "a perfect time for letting some things go".   Of course, she had no idea how powerful those words were.  I stopped for just a second. Acknowledged. Message received.

My first 'letting go" of this Full Moon...

A re-acquainted friendship turned out to be more than I wanted  (not had) to handle and I let it go.  But not before - thanks to Mercury Rx, some harsh words were said.  I received an email from her saying how disappointed she was in me and my reply to her was that I was also hurt by her words and for her to try to understand that some friendships are meant for only a short period of time and may the Goddess bless her on her journey.

Wow, that felt good.  My reply was part of my magick. My power.  I acknowledged my magick by being true to my intuition and releasing the friendship.  So, instead of having a high maintenance friend in my life - I now have a lesson learned and less stress.

We've all experienced relationships that were meant to last only a short time.  We recognize, we accept, then we release.  It's healthier for us to release the toxicity than to endure.

My second "letting go" is more serious and I'm still allowing it to unfold.  There is some potential that this one could hurt me - emotionally.  But, I assure you, there will be a lesson in this.

During this turmoil, I will also light the appropriate candles (that's another blog) and ask the Universe to grant its' energy to my power.  Help me stay the course.

So, this Full Moon, where is your magick?  What is your power?  What will your magick manifest?  Take the time this Full Moon to look about your space and acknowledge what is not working for you.  Then do something about it.  And, remember that sometimes doing nothing is actually doing something.

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