Monday, April 1, 2013


In my life, there have been things that I've wanted to come to pass; so yes, I've performed a few spells - even as you may have.  Making a wish while blowing out your birthday candles - yes, you've just said a spell.  Did you ever pay attention to see if that wish came true?  Also, remember how you weren't to tell anyone your wish or it wouldn't come true?

Walking alone in my magick I've had to rely on written material from those who also walk the crooked path. In this world of technology answers are just a click away.  It's also unfortunate that my mother no longer remembers.  She always had these quirky little spells that we often thought were old wives tales.

The first thing most want to know is how long it takes a spell to come to fruition. This is what I've learned:

  • A spell performed at the Full Moon will take one month to materialize.
  • A Witch should never count on one casting for the spell to come to being - the spell must be done for three, five, seven or nine days.
  • 21 days - never found the reason for this one.

Following is what "the act of doing" has taught me:

  • The triumph of your spell depends on the strength of your intention, wording and the respect of silence you offer to the magick.
  • I've needed a spell to come to realization within a matter of hours - and it did.  I did what needed to be done, forgot about it and it came true.  Even though I know that it will come true, this always, always is astounding.  Other spells have taken days, months, and yes, even years to come into being.

There was a time that I believed that I had to be in sacred space to perform a spell.  Now a days, I rarely cast circles for spells.  Sometimes, time is of the essence and all I can do is throw the request out into the Universe. 

At times, I put on some music, I properly anoint a candle, ground myself, quieted the mind, and from my heart...asked the Lady for my request.  I then sit quietly with my candle.  I start to feel the power growing in my heart chakra - it pulses - steady - stronger. When the power is at its peak, I psychically shift the energy to the candle.

If time is not important, but the outcome is, I do throw a circle, invite those that must be with me and follow full ritual in working the spell.  The ritual could be done with the Full Moon, New Moon, or the planets may be aligned perfectly for what is needed.  This is so much fun - feeling the energy that you've created with the help of those that you've invited into your circle.  Seeing things with your own eyes that you never ever thought possible.  You may even hear a whisper or two.

At other times, exhausted by the stress that I encountered during the day, I prepare myself for a Spiritual cleansing bath or shower.  As I prepare a muslin bag with the proper herbs to use during my bath I chant a spell.  It might go something like this...
"Goddess, bless these herbs,
Magick forged by my own hands;
I am always safe from harm, 
The Goddess holds me in her arms."

Or maybe one day you're picking flowers and herbs for future uses in spells, healings...

"Under the moon, through shadow and light,
these blooms I chose by touch, by sight. 
Spells to weave, to ease and free. 
As I will, So mote it be."
~ Nora Roberts

As many wishes there are to wish upon - there are as many ways of casting spells.  My lessons have taught me that the following are very important: 
  1. Self confidence
  2. Imagination
  3. Visualizing the transition from the now to the future
  4. Desire for the change
  5. Preparation
  6. Mood
  7. Get out of your own way
  8. Silence - tell no one of your work
It's simple.

Above all...asking for the proper delivery time!

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