Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Celebrating Beltane or known by another name...May Day!!?

With Social Networking, I've been reminded lately how many days until Beltane.  When I was younger, I did celebrate Beltane and wasn't even aware of the importance as a Witchy event.  Mom had me craft pretty May Day baskets filled with candies and flowers for my friends.  We would then sneak up to their doors - leave the baskets, knock and run away in hurry.  The baskets were to be a surprise and you were to never know what friend gifted the basket.

As a Solitary, I rarely celebrate Beltane - I tend to not get too excited about the cross quarter holidays.  Sure it's one of the eight (Sabbats) holidays on the Wheel of the Year, but being a cross quarter holiday - not that exciting for me.  Until lately...with it slapping me in the face every time I'm on Facebook - I started to think "why not?'  Now I have a week to get ready or think about getting ready - since I'm a low maintenance Witch - can't overdo or I won't do.

First you must know that Beltane (and from another lifetime I always tend to spell it Beltaine)  is a fertility festival.  Think...first of Spring - Nature mating - a ton of sex and flirting going on in nature at the moment.  The flowers and plants are starting to bud and come alive.  It is also the mid-point between the Vernal Equinox and Summer Solsice.  Celebrated starting the Eve of May 1st and thru the day.  Actually, I read on a friend's blog that: "It is most often celebrated on May 1st as May Day, but more accurately, we arrive at this cross-quarter holiday when the Sun reaches 15 degrees of Taurus, which occurs May 4/5."

Those that do - they are setting up Maypoles and preparing to dance under the pole intermingling the beautiful and colorful satin ribbons.  They are also preparing the need fire to dance around and celebrate the changing of the seasons.  Some Witches celebrate by bringing food and beverage to the festivities - too much work I say.  Also as a Solitary this would probably be one of the festivals I would attend a social gathering and maybe not so much celebrate solo - though you can.  Following Nature's cue, it's more fun to have sex with someone else than doing the horizontal bop solo.

You can also bring in the ashes from the need fire into your home for protection - so that's a good thing.

Sharing the correspondence for you and just as much as for me...
Incense:  Lilac, Frankincense
Decorations:  Maypole, Flowers, Ribbons
Colors:  Green, Rainbow Pastels

So...if you're like me and don't want to over-do and stay in the Spirit - get a bouquet of flowers for the dining table (and altar) - put out a few pretty pastel candles - light the incense - put on some good music - go outside and dance with Fae among the flirtations of Spring!

Enjoy the season of Beltane and in my part of the country...warmer weather and flirt 'til your heart is content!

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