Monday, April 8, 2013

Pentagram, Pentacle, Oh My!

There is so much controversy that follows this simple times you will see it surrounded by a circle.  People gasp, believing it to be evil - not so.  Many believe that it is a satanic doohickey.  People that wear one, draw one, believe in one...are nasty, nasty people.  In movies, every time one is shown...all action stops - the crescendo drama to the negative.

Not so. No way.

A pentagram is a star.  A pentacle is a star surrounded by a circle.

This subject has crossed my path quite often in the last week - more than three times in a matter of days.  As a Witch, that's when I notice that the Universe is sending a message.  Witches love things that happens in three's.  There's something there for me to understand, to see, to pay attention to.  I've encountered the message in others' blogs, books I've been reading for research and even material I've printed out years ago - keep falling in my lap...saying PAY ATTENTION!  I've learned to acknowledge these signs or messages. They are Universal messages, messages from the Divine, signs from the Creator or Creatrix personally sent to you, a message from your Spirit guide(s), or maybe family members that have transitioned into Spirit. 

So...someone, somewhere, must need this information. Could even be me. hmmmm.

As a Witch, I respect the pentagram/pentacle as a sign of power. What is also very cool is that it corresponds with the elements of water, air, fire, earth and spirit.  Join me as I take you on a journey of mystery.  The journey of the Craft or the journey of your Self.  I introduce you to the Witches Pyramid or the Witches Key.  Isn't it beautiful?!!

This key is meant for casting spells, but I know in my heart that it is a key to learning of the Self and not just for casting spells.  As in any journey of finding Self, there is a belief; this journey has five beliefs.  

In tracing the star, we start at the very top - travel down to the left to the first point.  Here our journey begins with the "Knowing".  What do we know of the Craft, what do we know of our Self and what do we know of the spells we cast that will change our lives.  

As a Witch, here is where we practice what we've learned of the Craft or the spells crafted.  I mentioned in an earlier blog that magick is not to be taken lightly - working with energy takes knowledge and to obtain that knowledge you must educate yourself.  

In every action there is a re-action and we do not want a negative reaction to what we toss out in the Universe. This is also where we learn of our Self - what kind of a person do we want to be? How well do we know our Selves?  As in the Craft, learning about our Selves...the education is unending.  In our careers, we continue our education to be the best in our field - our common sense demands that we continue to better our Selves - to maintain and grow our power. We want to be better parents, we strive to be better physicians, to be better friends, lovers, companions. We learn what tools to use, we learn the elements,  there is a vast of information at our fingertips to strengthen our knowledge.  Even in the Golden Years, we continue to learn - trust me, it never gets easy.

In continuing our journey through the star , our next stop is at "Will".  How strong is our will?  What do we "will" to happen?  Now that you've focused on the knowing - which you've gained through education - where will your "will" take you?  Do you trust enough in what you've learned?  Our visit at this point in the journey, is to seek inside so that we can advance to the next point in the star.

To "Dare".  This is where the journey gets interesting.  Do we have the courage to put forth our knowing and our will?  Can we 'dare' to be positive - to remove all negativity from our path so that only great can happen from what we strive or spell to do.  Do we dare to be imaginative? Do we dare remove from our lives those that do not offer us what we need to be at our full potential?  How brave are we? Do we continue to insult our Selves by staying stuck in a rut that does us no justice? Or, do we "dare" and move on?

The next peak in the star we've journeyed to is to be "Silent". Peaceful. You can hear Nature in silence.  You can hear your heart's desires in silence.  When working a spell, it is between you and the Universe, your ancestors, nature, Spirit.  So it only makes sense that when you work on your Self that what you learn you do it in silence.  

For instance, you need a job...badly.  You do what you're supposed to do...look through the want ads, network and low and behold - you have an interview!  Do your little happy dance.

So with or without a spell - you've worked hard to bring Self to this interview.  You're where you want to be and you're happy. You have hope.

I know that when you work a spell (or not) and you share this fun tidbit with someone else - you've just invited their energy to mix with your desire.  Oh no!  Little did you know that buried in their heart is a jealousy for what you have in your life.  It doesn't matter that you have no income and you're in despair.  And now you've just shared with them how desperately you want (need!) this job - you've shared your enthusiasm - your desire.  Your spell just went poof. Even if you didn't cast a spell.  No job.  Why? Because you weren't silent in what you truly desired and your confidant's jealous energy was stronger than yours.

But what if you want to share your desire with someone that you know only wants the best for you?  I will tell you right two people have the same energy in what is desired.  I casted a spell for a position wanting a specific salary - shared this with my husband and he thought that I was asking for too much.  I knew then I'd made a mistake by sharing my desire and knew I had some quick work to do on the spell. We are all different.  Even if we think among the same lines - the energy put forth will not truly be yours alone.  I was offered the position at more than even I was asking. (happy dance)

You pray...this prayer is between you and God.  When I create a spell...the power starts at the beginning of this star and travels through to creation.  The knowing on how to work what I want, the will to accept what I must do, dare to bring my desires to fruition and in silence I share my desires only with whom is going to manifest this desire.

If this journey was a pentagram, our journey and belief system would end here, but to come full circle we must face and acknowledge Spirit.  Love.  God.  Goddess.  They are all within us.  We are encompassed in this circle and Spirit holds us in his/her love.  In this circle, we are who we are and we truly know and love our Self.

There will be doubts - we will skin our knees - there will be hurts and tears - there will be mistakes.  But, we are always in the center of the pentacle surrounded by love and this circle reminds us when the worst happens - we have the key to find the strength to believe in Self, believe in our power.  

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