Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Witch and The Full Moon

Out for a midnight stroll, you come across a woman standing alone in the night staring up at the beautiful orb in the heavens.  You've stumbled upon a Witch and from where you stand, you can feel her power. 

Lately, there has been much turmoil on Earth.  In the breeze, you hear the cries of those that have been in the midst and at that precise moment you see the Witch throw back her head and her arms rise to greet the heavens.

The Witch then bends and places her hand on the Earth.  From where you stand you sense the healing.  You notice the tears on her beautiful cheeks.  And, you feel the ground move gently as if in response to the Witch’s healing. “Did the Earth just sigh?”

After a time, the Witch stands.  Her arms reaching upward towards the skies…her lips move in a whisper calling her Ancestors and all the Ancient Ones.  There is no wind, yet you see the tall pines respond with a wave.
Your feet urge you to join her – you desire to hold the hand of the Witch.
You slowly move forward.  Surprisingly, her eyes meet yours and you see the power.  You had no idea the Witch knew of your presence.  Her hand reaches out to yours, in welcome.  You hold her hand and the heat there surprises you.  You move to stand beside the Witch.  You take a deep breath and look up amidst the tall pines and greet the Full Moon – beautiful, bold and bright in all Her splendor.

As the Witch does, you also raise your arms to the heavens; Feeling the tingle of the Moon Goddess’ energy trickle down through your fingers.
The Witch joins her hands with fingers pointing up. 
She calls the protection of a Sacred Circle.
You see the fire circle open.  You actually feel the heat from the flames.
As the fire closes in to protect, the Witch points her toe and just barely with the tip of her toes touches the ground.  You feel the wave of energy move under you.  The circle is sealed.

You sense others and look around to see the faces of the Ancient ones standing just at the edge of the circle.  Something brushes your leg.  You look down to see a beautiful black panther stroll by.  There’s no fear for you know she’s there to protect the circle and all who join in its sacred space.

You hear a voice, but know that no one has spoken.  The Goddess whispers her message.  "Gaia needs healing.  There must be peace among those on Earth. There has been too much pain and my heart cries." In your heart, you know this to be true because Spring has arrived with rainy, cold days.  In places, snow falls with a fury.  Rivers overflow.  Earthquakes alter lives. Tyrants show their fear and take lives that belong to the Goddess. The flowers want to bloom, but can’t…just yet.

You hold the Witch’s hand and the magick continues.  You both sing and dance with the trees.

All for the healing of Gaia and her children.

At the Full Moon – a Witch will honor the Goddess, dance in her light only in sacred space.

She is the ancient of the ancients, older than time.
Harkened by our spirits in words of mystical rhyme.
She shall never summons us by punishment or wrath,
For only her love shall be found on this path.
~ Lady Abigail

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