Monday, November 18, 2013

Burning a 7-Day Candle?

This past week I learned from kraxyboytx a very cool way to dress your 7 day  novena candles. When you purchase your candles or particular oils, they are not normally prepared for magick.  You can always ask at the store if they are - still it makes sense to add your energy and amplify your intention.

I thought I'd share with you...

Ingredients and tools:

  • Knife or a special tool you use for carving your candles
  • Mortar and pestle
  • Something very long to make 3 holes in your candle - I used a long thick screwdriver which I blessed with Florida Water and a flame (I'll keep this for future use for candles only)
  • Sea salt or black sea salt (depending if you're bringing or removing energy)
  • Oil for what your intention calls for
  • Herbs representing your intention 
  • A small piece of foil to cover the candle if not burning the candle immediately
Center yourself for the working by taking deep breathes and releasing.
Cast a circle if you wish - Create Sacred Space
Carve the wax on top by creating a special sigil or simple straight lines.
Stab 3 holes in the candle all the way to the bottom - I ran the length of the screwdriver in a flame of a candle to make this easier.
For the next ingredients a small amount goes a long way:
Add the salt
Add the oil
In mortar and pestle crush and blend the herbs keeping your intention firmly in your mind (blend in a clockwise manner for the future) and add to the candle.

This is what I really love...hand gestures to bless, activate and lock in the energy/intention:

Hands facing each other over candle, with thumb and middle finger of your right hand pressed together imagine pulling a string of energy from the palm of your left hand; take the string and wrap three times clockwise around your candle - moving the motion from top to bottom; take both hands (don't touch the candle) run them down the side of your candle top to bottom - imagine the energy of the ingredients you've just added blending into the candle from top to bottom .  Do this movement three times.

Then cover the top of the candle with foil until you're ready to use.

You can chant your intention or say a prayer through-out the process or at the end during the hand gesture.

If you casted a circle - remember to open the sacred space.

Blessed be.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

"If you have any questions to ask—ask them freely—and if it be in my power, I will answer without reserve—without reserve.

I asked a few questions of minor importance—paid her $2 and left—under the decided impression that going to the fortune-teller's was just as good as going to the opera, and cost scarcely a trifle more—ergo, I will disguise myself and go again, one of these days, when other amusements fail."

- Mark Twain ~ Fragment of a letter to his brother Orion Clemens New Orleans, February 6, 1861
[The clairvoyant of this visit was Madame Caprell, famous in her day. Fee was $2; address, 37 Conti Street]
~Artist Unknown
Found on this site...

Monday, November 4, 2013

Totems and Their Messages

A Solar Eclipse was just upon us during the New Moon.  There will not be another solar eclipse of this type for another ten years.  And, I wondered, while reading of these energies from the most educated astrologers and Witches that I admire and trust - how would these two events affect me?  Would I be in the negative or the positive of these powerful energies?  Since I’m still learning to trust my instincts - I just never know.

The Dark Moon has always brought out the dark energies that are a part of my shadow-self. I start to sense them a few days before the New Moon and am pretty proud of myself for now being able to recognize those dark emotions.  I now see myself "apart" from myself - if that makes any sense to you and I simply take note.  Pull back when I need to or stay in the moment of what is occurring.

The arrival of a message...

For the past few days Lion has been trying to get my attention.  On the second sighting I always tell myself "...if there is a third, pay attention."  The third time was in a dream.  Even this morning there have been a few times I’ve seen him.

It was time to study Lion as a totem.

I was surprised to learn that the Lion totem corresponded with Sun's feminine energies telling me to pay attention or trust the energies of creativity, intuition and imagination.  To me, the Sun’s energies have always corresponded to the male.  I’ve also learned that this totem may provide the possibility of an opportunity to awaken to a new sun (or new adventure).  The Lion's "cycle of power" is year-round.

Last night’s dream had me waking up nervous almost scared and my first thought was that something was coming - beware.  In Ted Andrew’s interpretation of the Lion totem, he wrote to not be afraid to roar if feeling threatened or intruded upon.  He also writes, “…If a lion has shown up as a totem, you can expect lessons and issues dealing with community and groups to surface.  (Lion’s live in prides)  There may be a need to examine your own role in the group.” (So must I look at my role in the family and how it's being played?) It avoids confrontations and will leave the scene of danger if possible. (Makes sense, I’m a Libra and truly hate confrontations.) It kills by strangulation.

During my research, my attention was drawn to an old familiar - Panther. 

It’s all connected. 

The Lion and Panther both hunt primarily by stealth.  Both kill by strangulation, though a Panther strikes from behind.
The cycle of power for the Panther is the Dark Moon, New Moon and winter. 
Symbols are ferocity and valor without the solar significance - meaning the attention is on it's female energies. 
They are fiercer than Lions. 
They are loners.
Panther also implies that an "old issue may finally begin to resolve or even that longstanding wounds begin to heal, and the healing will come reclaiming of power that was lost at the time of the wounding." During this time of year, I recall an old wound and am always questioning how to heal it.

Now, once again, I am reminded of the power of my totem, which is so familiar to me that I tend to take her for granted.  She is female, it was confirmed in an Akashic reading by Jacki Smith creatrix of Coventry Creations.

The path of the Craft is ever-learning, which sometimes means going back to books collecting dust on a shelf or leading us to new writings by trusted authors. 

So what about the Lion?  Was he just a reminder of the Panther totem?  I’m not sure.  I do “know” that this is a “work in progress” and now after a bit of research and understanding this totem's energies…meditating on the Lion is in order.

Blessed be, Witches!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Harvesting the Magick to my Will

A couple of things I'd like to address in this blog:  Advanced Magick and Harvest Time

I've started a new position working outside of the house.  Even though I was excited about the new position, because it's been years since a position really excited me, I found that I didn't want to share the news with a few folks in my life.  By their own nature, they are jealous and lead unhappy lives.  Also believing in Quantum Physics - I know that when you share anything with anyone it brings their energy into the matter.  I didn't want their "negative" energy interferring with or affecting my new position.  Unfortunately, the news did reach them and asked me about my news.
Damn it.
Now what?

This is what I know..."Witches have control over our lives and are responsible for our actions."  I believe I learned this from Dorothy Morrison. 

With powerful magickal days approaching, the Harvest Full Moon on the 19th, the Autumnal Equinox on the 22nd, a New Moon, another Full Moon and Samhain in the vicinity - it came to me that I could work the magick so that their energy would not conflict with mine.  The "magick" being "me" and learning a very important belief.

So...this Full Moon I will begin by working a spell so that I can learn to believe that other's distrust, jealousy, conflicts and animosity will never affect my magick or my life.  And this is where Advanced Magick comes into play.  I will continue the same spell adding more "spice" during the power days.   Each time the spell growing stronger and my will more determined.  The October New Moon will be focused on maintining the new position so that it grows to its full potential.  The October Full Moon will focus on a re-newed push on the original spell.  Can you say "Empowerment"?  Advanced Magick to me means that you have the will-power and tenancity to work the spell continuously because the final outcome is so important.

At the Equinox and at Samhain - Mabon (equinox) which is our second harvest in the Wheel and Samhain our third and final harvest of the season the spell will expand to include the following:

"I wish for all of my friends and family a meaningful harvest and that everyone can really take the time to examine this past year, for things in which we succeeded and those in which we came up short, people who we became closer to and those who we allowed to slip farther away. I want to thank everyone for this past year and all of the support I received through the excitement and the struggle, and to apologize to anyone who I may have wronged and probably not apologized personally. I hope this new year brings us all closer to our goals, our values, and our family and friends."

This was a friend son's wish at Yom Kippur and I knew the moment I read it that this would push my will to not allowing other's to interfere with how things go in my life. Why?


The Universe and Spirt love gratitude.  So, with of few minor changes to his wish and making it mine, I will be grateful for this years' harvest and the bounty the Universe and Spirit have brought to my door.

The spell that brought this financial boon into my life was shared with me by my lovely sister...
Take a non-descriptive but pretty glass, fill with spring water, place 7 silver coins in the water and a quartz crystal; every Friday toss out the old water and refill with spring water to ensure financial prosperity coming your way.  Place the glass in a prominent place.  Mine is on our dining room table which happens to be the center of the house.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Enchanting Herbs

This year, my potted plants were mostly herbs...a plant that would be a magickal benefit.  There's...

Peppermint, Bay, Rosemary, Lemon Verbena, Oregano
Sage, Lemon Grass

Just the thought that a full magickal cycle will have occurred when these herbs will be used in my magick - or in yours:  I do share - is very exciting to this Witch.  The magick started at the soil, from the soil, to the growth of the herb, to the enchantment of my magickal intent, the spell, the magick out into the Universe and yes, finally to fruition.

No permission is needed from the plant if you've grown it yourself.  If you're out in Nature then, yes - you must ask permission - ask the plant if it will share, then take a moment to "sense" it's reply.

When I read Cunningham's book "Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs" I found out that enchanting a plant isn't really necessary, but he stated that there isn't a Witch around who will use a plant without enchanting it first. I agree, it's all about the magick.

From years of walking my Spiritual path - I now follow my instincts and have made the enchantment my own.  Remember:  The magick is yours and you are the magick.

When the Moon is in the right cycle, I cut the herb and to stay in the mainstream of the Enchantment, I let the herb know my intention: protection, financial prosperity, love, sleep, etc.  I gather you, (herb) to increase my (intent).  I will then place the herbs on my altar repeating my intent and visualizing it as clear as I possibly can.  I will handle the herb with my hands, my fingers, holding the intent firmly in my mind and connecting the energy of the plant with my energy - creating a very important connection.

I found a verse for enchanting herbs some time ago in an Old Crone's book.  For me, this enchantment simply says it all.  I also say it to awaken the dried herbs that are in my cupboard before use.  I'm sharing, but you can create your own enchantment or find one that works specifically for you.

Remember, remember the oldest of herbs
The fruit of the vine, the root and the words.
You have the power of three and thirty!
You have the power to heal and promote healthy growth!
You have the power of strength and success!
You have the power to move in any direction.
I magnetize thee to (insert specific intent and purpose).
Awaken! Awaken!
Bring my will to perfection!

The herbs are now ready to be used in sachets, infusions, baths, oils, incense - what ever your heart desires.

Happy Enchanting!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Moon Void-of-Course

Living my life by The Lady is indeed rewarding, but a challenge.  For instance - I've learned, by experimenting, to garden according to the cycles of the Moon.  I'm not a patient person, so waiting until the Moon is in its First Quarter Phase and in the sign of Scorpio (for quick growth) to plant my seeds - is frustrating.  I'll admit it...I've cheated.  But, where I don't cheat is when the Moon is in its Void-of-Course phase.

It isn't difficult to understand, but doing so takes practice and intentionally working with the Moon. From Full Moon to Full Moon or in a month's time, the Moon travels through all the astrological signs (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc).  By visiting each astrological sign She effects our daily lives with the properties associated with that particular sign.  Her visit may be for a day, one hour, two days - She's fickle.

The Void-of-Course Moon, this very important phase occurs when She travels from sign to sign. You may see it written VOC, V-C or V/C. Her attitude is such: She's quiet - She takes no calls - She completely ignores me and my wishes.  And, She does it for as long as the trip make take - it's never the same. She hangs out the "Do Not Disturb" sign.

For some time now, I've noticed that those that do live their lives by the phases of the Moon, will tell you that the Moon is the sign of Libra - when I know for a fact that she has hung out the "Gone Fishing" sign and is preparing for Her visit in Scorpio.  Irritating.  You've not checked the calendar and taken that person's word and believed the Moon is in Libra and not intransit to Scorpio and you open your new business.  Ooops.  Besides, that's just sloppy crafting - you always check and validate.

Why is this so important.  As I mentioned, Ms. Luna has clocked out. She ignores my wishes...She ignores my Spells...She ignores my candle magickal pleas.  If I persist, my magickal pleas may not go according to plan.  Let me rephrase that - they will not go according to plan.

I find it best to follow by Her example.  I refuse (if at possible) to sign any new contracts - start any new ventures - schedule important appointments - make definite plans - purchase major items.  As I'm writing this, I look up at my calendar and notice that yes, She will be V/C today (Monday) starting at 4:15pm CDT - traveling from her time spent in Cancer and preparing to spend Her time in Leo.  She will be Void-of-Course all day Tuesday. I probably won't publish this blog until later today or maybe even tomorrow, allowing myself the time to edit and avoid the computer glitches now occurring.  There are web sites that offers this information or purchase a calendar with the VOC times listed.

My point is...If I do any of the above during a VOC Moon - appointments can fall through the cracks - new contracts will falter in some fashion, new ventures will take an interesting twist and not go according to plan.  "It's unavoidable!" you say.  Well, do a protection spell around your next request or add a clause at the end of your spell that this spell will in no way come back to harm.  Or...hold your breathe and hope for the best.  Don't say you've not been warned.

The Void-of-Course Moon is the perfect time to take a step back and re-evaluate your plans; meditate, go into neutral, day dream, live your life or take this time to see what comes your way, or prepare what to plant next in your garden.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Celebrating Beltane or known by another name...May Day!!?

With Social Networking, I've been reminded lately how many days until Beltane.  When I was younger, I did celebrate Beltane and wasn't even aware of the importance as a Witchy event.  Mom had me craft pretty May Day baskets filled with candies and flowers for my friends.  We would then sneak up to their doors - leave the baskets, knock and run away in hurry.  The baskets were to be a surprise and you were to never know what friend gifted the basket.

As a Solitary, I rarely celebrate Beltane - I tend to not get too excited about the cross quarter holidays.  Sure it's one of the eight (Sabbats) holidays on the Wheel of the Year, but being a cross quarter holiday - not that exciting for me.  Until lately...with it slapping me in the face every time I'm on Facebook - I started to think "why not?'  Now I have a week to get ready or think about getting ready - since I'm a low maintenance Witch - can't overdo or I won't do.

First you must know that Beltane (and from another lifetime I always tend to spell it Beltaine)  is a fertility festival.  Think...first of Spring - Nature mating - a ton of sex and flirting going on in nature at the moment.  The flowers and plants are starting to bud and come alive.  It is also the mid-point between the Vernal Equinox and Summer Solsice.  Celebrated starting the Eve of May 1st and thru the day.  Actually, I read on a friend's blog that: "It is most often celebrated on May 1st as May Day, but more accurately, we arrive at this cross-quarter holiday when the Sun reaches 15 degrees of Taurus, which occurs May 4/5."

Those that do - they are setting up Maypoles and preparing to dance under the pole intermingling the beautiful and colorful satin ribbons.  They are also preparing the need fire to dance around and celebrate the changing of the seasons.  Some Witches celebrate by bringing food and beverage to the festivities - too much work I say.  Also as a Solitary this would probably be one of the festivals I would attend a social gathering and maybe not so much celebrate solo - though you can.  Following Nature's cue, it's more fun to have sex with someone else than doing the horizontal bop solo.

You can also bring in the ashes from the need fire into your home for protection - so that's a good thing.

Sharing the correspondence for you and just as much as for me...
Incense:  Lilac, Frankincense
Decorations:  Maypole, Flowers, Ribbons
Colors:  Green, Rainbow Pastels

So...if you're like me and don't want to over-do and stay in the Spirit - get a bouquet of flowers for the dining table (and altar) - put out a few pretty pastel candles - light the incense - put on some good music - go outside and dance with Fae among the flirtations of Spring!

Enjoy the season of Beltane and in my part of the country...warmer weather and flirt 'til your heart is content!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Witch and The Full Moon

Out for a midnight stroll, you come across a woman standing alone in the night staring up at the beautiful orb in the heavens.  You've stumbled upon a Witch and from where you stand, you can feel her power. 

Lately, there has been much turmoil on Earth.  In the breeze, you hear the cries of those that have been in the midst and at that precise moment you see the Witch throw back her head and her arms rise to greet the heavens.

The Witch then bends and places her hand on the Earth.  From where you stand you sense the healing.  You notice the tears on her beautiful cheeks.  And, you feel the ground move gently as if in response to the Witch’s healing. “Did the Earth just sigh?”

After a time, the Witch stands.  Her arms reaching upward towards the skies…her lips move in a whisper calling her Ancestors and all the Ancient Ones.  There is no wind, yet you see the tall pines respond with a wave.
Your feet urge you to join her – you desire to hold the hand of the Witch.
You slowly move forward.  Surprisingly, her eyes meet yours and you see the power.  You had no idea the Witch knew of your presence.  Her hand reaches out to yours, in welcome.  You hold her hand and the heat there surprises you.  You move to stand beside the Witch.  You take a deep breath and look up amidst the tall pines and greet the Full Moon – beautiful, bold and bright in all Her splendor.

As the Witch does, you also raise your arms to the heavens; Feeling the tingle of the Moon Goddess’ energy trickle down through your fingers.
The Witch joins her hands with fingers pointing up. 
She calls the protection of a Sacred Circle.
You see the fire circle open.  You actually feel the heat from the flames.
As the fire closes in to protect, the Witch points her toe and just barely with the tip of her toes touches the ground.  You feel the wave of energy move under you.  The circle is sealed.

You sense others and look around to see the faces of the Ancient ones standing just at the edge of the circle.  Something brushes your leg.  You look down to see a beautiful black panther stroll by.  There’s no fear for you know she’s there to protect the circle and all who join in its sacred space.

You hear a voice, but know that no one has spoken.  The Goddess whispers her message.  "Gaia needs healing.  There must be peace among those on Earth. There has been too much pain and my heart cries." In your heart, you know this to be true because Spring has arrived with rainy, cold days.  In places, snow falls with a fury.  Rivers overflow.  Earthquakes alter lives. Tyrants show their fear and take lives that belong to the Goddess. The flowers want to bloom, but can’t…just yet.

You hold the Witch’s hand and the magick continues.  You both sing and dance with the trees.

All for the healing of Gaia and her children.

At the Full Moon – a Witch will honor the Goddess, dance in her light only in sacred space.

She is the ancient of the ancients, older than time.
Harkened by our spirits in words of mystical rhyme.
She shall never summons us by punishment or wrath,
For only her love shall be found on this path.
~ Lady Abigail

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What Is Personal Power?

Power is a general word that suggests the ability to control or influence what is done, felt, etc.


What is Your power?

Being a Witch is realizing your power.

We work the meditations, we work the spells, we work rituals, we work at walking the talk, work healings, we work at being kind to our Self, we work at being a good person.

The subject is difficult to write about.  It's much easier to write about being power-less. It seems it's always easier writing on the negative than the positive.

There was a Dove ad shared on Facebook today on how women see themselves.  Asking to describe themselves to a sketch artist; all described themselves less flattering than how someone else saw them.  Naturally, we can be our worst critiques.  Why is it that it takes an ad to make us realize how beautiful we are?  Not just on the outside, but inside - where we live.

So is beauty power?  You bet.  It means living with confidence.  It means standing tall.  Shoulders straight.  Head held high. You know your truth.  You admit your failures, but better - you acknowledge your successes.

What is Your power?

Always are beautiful.  Say it every time you catch a glance of your reflection and walk with a lighter step.  Smile like you know a secret no one else knows.  Why should an advertising ad remind you of your beauty?  I say, it shouldn't.

Remain true to your Self.
Be the best that you can be.
Continue working your magick.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Pentagram, Pentacle, Oh My!

There is so much controversy that follows this simple times you will see it surrounded by a circle.  People gasp, believing it to be evil - not so.  Many believe that it is a satanic doohickey.  People that wear one, draw one, believe in one...are nasty, nasty people.  In movies, every time one is shown...all action stops - the crescendo drama to the negative.

Not so. No way.

A pentagram is a star.  A pentacle is a star surrounded by a circle.

This subject has crossed my path quite often in the last week - more than three times in a matter of days.  As a Witch, that's when I notice that the Universe is sending a message.  Witches love things that happens in three's.  There's something there for me to understand, to see, to pay attention to.  I've encountered the message in others' blogs, books I've been reading for research and even material I've printed out years ago - keep falling in my lap...saying PAY ATTENTION!  I've learned to acknowledge these signs or messages. They are Universal messages, messages from the Divine, signs from the Creator or Creatrix personally sent to you, a message from your Spirit guide(s), or maybe family members that have transitioned into Spirit. 

So...someone, somewhere, must need this information. Could even be me. hmmmm.

As a Witch, I respect the pentagram/pentacle as a sign of power. What is also very cool is that it corresponds with the elements of water, air, fire, earth and spirit.  Join me as I take you on a journey of mystery.  The journey of the Craft or the journey of your Self.  I introduce you to the Witches Pyramid or the Witches Key.  Isn't it beautiful?!!

This key is meant for casting spells, but I know in my heart that it is a key to learning of the Self and not just for casting spells.  As in any journey of finding Self, there is a belief; this journey has five beliefs.  

In tracing the star, we start at the very top - travel down to the left to the first point.  Here our journey begins with the "Knowing".  What do we know of the Craft, what do we know of our Self and what do we know of the spells we cast that will change our lives.  

As a Witch, here is where we practice what we've learned of the Craft or the spells crafted.  I mentioned in an earlier blog that magick is not to be taken lightly - working with energy takes knowledge and to obtain that knowledge you must educate yourself.  

In every action there is a re-action and we do not want a negative reaction to what we toss out in the Universe. This is also where we learn of our Self - what kind of a person do we want to be? How well do we know our Selves?  As in the Craft, learning about our Selves...the education is unending.  In our careers, we continue our education to be the best in our field - our common sense demands that we continue to better our Selves - to maintain and grow our power. We want to be better parents, we strive to be better physicians, to be better friends, lovers, companions. We learn what tools to use, we learn the elements,  there is a vast of information at our fingertips to strengthen our knowledge.  Even in the Golden Years, we continue to learn - trust me, it never gets easy.

In continuing our journey through the star , our next stop is at "Will".  How strong is our will?  What do we "will" to happen?  Now that you've focused on the knowing - which you've gained through education - where will your "will" take you?  Do you trust enough in what you've learned?  Our visit at this point in the journey, is to seek inside so that we can advance to the next point in the star.

To "Dare".  This is where the journey gets interesting.  Do we have the courage to put forth our knowing and our will?  Can we 'dare' to be positive - to remove all negativity from our path so that only great can happen from what we strive or spell to do.  Do we dare to be imaginative? Do we dare remove from our lives those that do not offer us what we need to be at our full potential?  How brave are we? Do we continue to insult our Selves by staying stuck in a rut that does us no justice? Or, do we "dare" and move on?

The next peak in the star we've journeyed to is to be "Silent". Peaceful. You can hear Nature in silence.  You can hear your heart's desires in silence.  When working a spell, it is between you and the Universe, your ancestors, nature, Spirit.  So it only makes sense that when you work on your Self that what you learn you do it in silence.  

For instance, you need a job...badly.  You do what you're supposed to do...look through the want ads, network and low and behold - you have an interview!  Do your little happy dance.

So with or without a spell - you've worked hard to bring Self to this interview.  You're where you want to be and you're happy. You have hope.

I know that when you work a spell (or not) and you share this fun tidbit with someone else - you've just invited their energy to mix with your desire.  Oh no!  Little did you know that buried in their heart is a jealousy for what you have in your life.  It doesn't matter that you have no income and you're in despair.  And now you've just shared with them how desperately you want (need!) this job - you've shared your enthusiasm - your desire.  Your spell just went poof. Even if you didn't cast a spell.  No job.  Why? Because you weren't silent in what you truly desired and your confidant's jealous energy was stronger than yours.

But what if you want to share your desire with someone that you know only wants the best for you?  I will tell you right two people have the same energy in what is desired.  I casted a spell for a position wanting a specific salary - shared this with my husband and he thought that I was asking for too much.  I knew then I'd made a mistake by sharing my desire and knew I had some quick work to do on the spell. We are all different.  Even if we think among the same lines - the energy put forth will not truly be yours alone.  I was offered the position at more than even I was asking. (happy dance)

You pray...this prayer is between you and God.  When I create a spell...the power starts at the beginning of this star and travels through to creation.  The knowing on how to work what I want, the will to accept what I must do, dare to bring my desires to fruition and in silence I share my desires only with whom is going to manifest this desire.

If this journey was a pentagram, our journey and belief system would end here, but to come full circle we must face and acknowledge Spirit.  Love.  God.  Goddess.  They are all within us.  We are encompassed in this circle and Spirit holds us in his/her love.  In this circle, we are who we are and we truly know and love our Self.

There will be doubts - we will skin our knees - there will be hurts and tears - there will be mistakes.  But, we are always in the center of the pentacle surrounded by love and this circle reminds us when the worst happens - we have the key to find the strength to believe in Self, believe in our power.  

Monday, April 1, 2013


In my life, there have been things that I've wanted to come to pass; so yes, I've performed a few spells - even as you may have.  Making a wish while blowing out your birthday candles - yes, you've just said a spell.  Did you ever pay attention to see if that wish came true?  Also, remember how you weren't to tell anyone your wish or it wouldn't come true?

Walking alone in my magick I've had to rely on written material from those who also walk the crooked path. In this world of technology answers are just a click away.  It's also unfortunate that my mother no longer remembers.  She always had these quirky little spells that we often thought were old wives tales.

The first thing most want to know is how long it takes a spell to come to fruition. This is what I've learned:

  • A spell performed at the Full Moon will take one month to materialize.
  • A Witch should never count on one casting for the spell to come to being - the spell must be done for three, five, seven or nine days.
  • 21 days - never found the reason for this one.

Following is what "the act of doing" has taught me:

  • The triumph of your spell depends on the strength of your intention, wording and the respect of silence you offer to the magick.
  • I've needed a spell to come to realization within a matter of hours - and it did.  I did what needed to be done, forgot about it and it came true.  Even though I know that it will come true, this always, always is astounding.  Other spells have taken days, months, and yes, even years to come into being.

There was a time that I believed that I had to be in sacred space to perform a spell.  Now a days, I rarely cast circles for spells.  Sometimes, time is of the essence and all I can do is throw the request out into the Universe. 

At times, I put on some music, I properly anoint a candle, ground myself, quieted the mind, and from my heart...asked the Lady for my request.  I then sit quietly with my candle.  I start to feel the power growing in my heart chakra - it pulses - steady - stronger. When the power is at its peak, I psychically shift the energy to the candle.

If time is not important, but the outcome is, I do throw a circle, invite those that must be with me and follow full ritual in working the spell.  The ritual could be done with the Full Moon, New Moon, or the planets may be aligned perfectly for what is needed.  This is so much fun - feeling the energy that you've created with the help of those that you've invited into your circle.  Seeing things with your own eyes that you never ever thought possible.  You may even hear a whisper or two.

At other times, exhausted by the stress that I encountered during the day, I prepare myself for a Spiritual cleansing bath or shower.  As I prepare a muslin bag with the proper herbs to use during my bath I chant a spell.  It might go something like this...
"Goddess, bless these herbs,
Magick forged by my own hands;
I am always safe from harm, 
The Goddess holds me in her arms."

Or maybe one day you're picking flowers and herbs for future uses in spells, healings...

"Under the moon, through shadow and light,
these blooms I chose by touch, by sight. 
Spells to weave, to ease and free. 
As I will, So mote it be."
~ Nora Roberts

As many wishes there are to wish upon - there are as many ways of casting spells.  My lessons have taught me that the following are very important: 
  1. Self confidence
  2. Imagination
  3. Visualizing the transition from the now to the future
  4. Desire for the change
  5. Preparation
  6. Mood
  7. Get out of your own way
  8. Silence - tell no one of your work
It's simple.

Above all...asking for the proper delivery time!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Magick of Power: Power = Strength

A Witch works with nature to make things manifest.  Universal energy will grant power to your magick.

The magick of power starts with you asking yourself, "How true am I to my power"?

Just recently some serious issues have cropped up in my life.

Recognizing a need for direction, I have been pulling a card - just one card - every morning from an Angel Tarot deck asking what do I need to do today to bring me closer to my power?  The last card pulled instructed that I needed to "let go" and trust that the Angels and Spirit will handle what needs to be handled.  So...I let go and am allowing my life to unfold as it may.

It was that simple.  I stood up, said "okay" - I let go.

This "letting go" message is so in-time for the Full Moon, I'm sure you've noticed Her - glowing in the evening sky.  A Full Moon is the perfect time to be a Witch and walk the talk.

In chatting with a friend - Spirit talked through her.  How? We noticed that her birthday is on the Full Moon and she said, "a perfect time for letting some things go".   Of course, she had no idea how powerful those words were.  I stopped for just a second. Acknowledged. Message received.

My first 'letting go" of this Full Moon...

A re-acquainted friendship turned out to be more than I wanted  (not had) to handle and I let it go.  But not before - thanks to Mercury Rx, some harsh words were said.  I received an email from her saying how disappointed she was in me and my reply to her was that I was also hurt by her words and for her to try to understand that some friendships are meant for only a short period of time and may the Goddess bless her on her journey.

Wow, that felt good.  My reply was part of my magick. My power.  I acknowledged my magick by being true to my intuition and releasing the friendship.  So, instead of having a high maintenance friend in my life - I now have a lesson learned and less stress.

We've all experienced relationships that were meant to last only a short time.  We recognize, we accept, then we release.  It's healthier for us to release the toxicity than to endure.

My second "letting go" is more serious and I'm still allowing it to unfold.  There is some potential that this one could hurt me - emotionally.  But, I assure you, there will be a lesson in this.

During this turmoil, I will also light the appropriate candles (that's another blog) and ask the Universe to grant its' energy to my power.  Help me stay the course.

So, this Full Moon, where is your magick?  What is your power?  What will your magick manifest?  Take the time this Full Moon to look about your space and acknowledge what is not working for you.  Then do something about it.  And, remember that sometimes doing nothing is actually doing something.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Ahhhhh, finally.  

Spring is here!!

My house has been given that special Spring cleaning, the furniture re-arranged to give energy a new rhythm.  The house has been Spiritually cleaned to rid the heavy energy of Winter. During a rare warm Nebraska day, the windows opened to air out the home. I've prepared my living environment for the promise of the new beginnings this season brings.

Winter brought more snow than last year, some have had more rain and serious storms.  By the end of February I was tired of the coats, the boots, the scarves; especially the chill that slaps when you walk outside. This Winter was a long one.

Yesterday there was still a chill in the air, very windy and the weather forecast for Thursday and Friday is snow.  So dressed for the chilly weather, I walked my flower beds and noticed that some of the 'usuals' that pop in the Spring are still not showing their pretty faces...yet.  I did see some green, but the garden is still silent. Somewhat disappointed that I didn't see the surprises I was expecting...I thought of last Spring.

Surprising many, Spring arrived a couple weeks early; I'd missed the dance of the daffodils.  We have the perfect climate for Spring, I was so disappointed that I had missed much of the early blooms.  I had missed the birth of Spring.   The time when renewal is anticipated and given as a reward to the soul of the gardener.  It made me wonder why did I miss the entrance of Spring?  Where was I - mentally?  This held some meaning...

I now know how fickle Mother Nature is.  As all women do, she has her own internal clock.  She will give birth when only she knows the time is right.  I looked around the yard, thought of the placement of the new flower bed creation that had bloomed in my head over the winter.  Looking at that specific spot, I could see the tiny garden in full bloom and as we all know perennials take time to grow.  The first year the bloom is a little weak, the second year they show promise and then the third year what was created in my mind has come to pass. A design I came across on Pinterest.

Spring.  The Vernal Equinox.

Always, at this time of year, I recall a memory which happened around Spring/Easter.  We were living in Texas and we were migrant workers, but dad had found someone to work for year round and it was maintaining the man's farm and animals.  This included a house for us to live in.

The memory:  Mom, the girls and I had just returned home from somewhere.  The minute I got out of the car I walked away from them.  The Sun was shining, the sky was a vibrant blue with not a cloud in sight.  We lived in the middle of a field, or so it seemed to me at this young age.  We were miles away from the closest neighbor and mostly what anyone could see from my perspective was soil - Earth.  I sat on the ground and picked up some soil. Immediately the aroma of Earth filled my senses, the soil a very fine texture slipped through my tiny fingers - it was warm, but as I dug a little deeper it was much cooler.  I actually see myself sitting there on the soil, with the smell of Earth, the Sun warm and a slight breeze blowing through my unruly curly hair.  There was such a peacefulness, the quiet was amazing.  I felt safe knowing that my family was somewhere around - I could see our home from where I was sitting and knew that I was safe.  I also knew that out of the soil that surrounded me would come the food that would end up on our table - canned and saved for the winter months.

Since it comes to mind every Spring - is there an importance to this memory?  I don't know.  In the past, I thought that eventually this meaning would become clear, and now at my age that meaning still eludes me...but, does it really?  Was it meant to be a memory of simplicity?  Was it the Goddess' gift to me knowing that my Spiritual path would be Mother Nature's caretaker?  I still carry the gifts of 'knowing' offered by Her while growing up in Texas; the "sense" of when the weather will turn, Nature's changing signs She teaches; the energy in the air before a thunderstorm, to enjoy the peacefulness of a cloudy day, to take the time to enjoy the Earthly aromas of that first Spring rain.

So in Spring when I first place my hand in the soil to plant that very first bloom this particular memory becomes so real.  I instinctively close my eyes and I'm transported back to an easier time to a little girl playing in the dirt, sun shining brightly in the warm breeze; I felt so safe and maybe knowing that I was always meant to play in the dirt.

Now, I share with you the insight to missing the arrival of last years' Spring - I wasn't grounded.  I was too busy giving my attention to issues that in the end didn't matter and missed the one thing that does matter - to a Witch. The turning of the Wheel and the welcoming of a new Season.

Happy Spring!!!

Monday, March 11, 2013


I see them.  Everywhere. 

I’ve always, always used affirmations.  Written by those I admire or people I don’t know.  They’re written on sticky-notes on the mirror in my bathroom; ripped out of magazines and placed on the night stand so that I can see them in the mornings and in the evenings.  You’ll see them in the kitchen, my home office and when I worked outside the home - they were in my work space, in my flower garden; purposely chosen to grace the background on my desktop.  If I find they no longer work –I find new ones.

They are at the center of my Spiritual path – they provide the intention and possibly the strength of that intention.  At times they are the magick created.

They’ve been around for years, studied, used in marketing plans to gain the favor of customers.  With the technology of today, they can be created on one’s own computer and if shared and liked, will be passed around the world at the speed of lightening, thanks to the internet and you tube, facebook, twitter, blogs, etc.  There are even sites where they can be downloaded.  They come in all shapes and sizes.

Sometime around the New Year I heard a morning show guest say, “get rid of affirmations!”  Was she a professional – don’t know. My immediate reaction was ‘a-not-so-positive’ response.  I did not know that apparently there is a dark side to affirmations.  There’s a lot of controversy surrounding affirmations and find they aren’t for everyone. They can actually cause stress if a person feels that he/she can’t live up to the affirmation.  Does this mean that there are negative affirmations?

Maybe she was right.  However, they’ve always helped me find my way back to my power.  Just imagine the peace that could be attained if everyone believed in positive affirmations.

So, I say, get rid of that stress – read and “believe” the affirmations that cross your path.  They really do have a healing effect and with repetition can become a very healthy habit.

Don’t make it difficult.  Try one (or two) out.

You’ll know when you find the one that offers inspiration, just the right amount of ambition, a smile and maybe laughter.

Following are a few positive results from affirmations that I believe in:

  • Great idea exchanges
  • Encourage us to get past our fears
  • Remind us to adjust our attitude for the better
  • Can be informative
  • Remind us how beautiful we are
  • That the strength required is possible if tried – at least once
  • The importance of family and friends
  • They tell us to stand where we stand and be the best that we can be – because we have that right
  • Can change a frown to a smile
  • That it’s okay to believe in your dreams
  • That we can plug into the abundance of all that is good in the Universe and know that it is ours.
  • To know that the best will happen and if it doesn’t – remind us that we can handle it with grace
  • They show us that we can be short-sighted and not see the goodness that surrounds us
  • They make us laugh
  • Cause us to believe in our creativity – whatever that may be
  • It’s about staying positive – and know that it’s okay if you can’t 

**Note: I do not claim ownership to the affirmations in this blog - they didn't have a name to offer credit.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Question Asked

Someone asked me recently, “What are the benefits of Witchcraft?”

For a moment I was stunned, but just a brief moment.  Then a peaceful feeling came over me – that’s one of the benefits of the Craft – it allows you to stand true to your religion and know that it is all one big benefit.  It benefits you in every way imaginable.

The Craft encompasses you.

It’s not to be trifled with – you can’t use it when you want and expect the benefits it can offer.  If you want the Goddesses and Gods to know you and grant you your heart’s desires (if that’s what they wish for you as well) you must get to know them, talk to them – sit in silence with them.  Constantly.  If your intention is true and sincere, you will always be given what you ask for.  I do know from experience it isn’t always in the manner you expected. Surprise!  So…careful what you ask for.

Three things I believe:  Harm none; What you send out comes back to you three-fold; Treat others as you would want to be treated.

When you work the Craft, you work energy. So take care.

Everything has energy.  Positive, negative or neutral. Powerful. Remember your science 101 here.

You work it with your imagination.
You work it with your intention.  With your heart. 
Your intuition is practiced therefore – gets stronger. 
You learn to trust that intuition – your gut feeling.
You learn so much about yourself - even if you want to or not.  If (big if) you open up to the lessons you’re given.

It is a healing.

You grow with the Craft.  It is forever teaching you something. 

When Spirit talks to me – it stops me dead in my tracks.  It happens, you will receive messages.   The feeling is amazing.

I will introduce you to seven energy points – yes, I said seven, but that’s just me.  Another benefit of practicing Wicca and the Craft as a Solitary – you walk your path as no one else does.

So let’s take a walk…

Let's open a sacred circle...we'll walk the circle clockwise and meet the elemental directions of energy.

When we face North – we face the energies of Earth; here there is learning of your lineage – the old ones - the ancients; you’ll find comfort here.  A calming, grounding and centering energy.
Facing East we are welcomed by the wind and the power of Air – you let your imagination go.  Open up your mind’s eye and experience creativity - find where your mind can and if you allow…take you.
Turning South you feel the heat of Fire – the energy of passion, protection, strength.

Water energy in the West - leads our path to Intuition and tells many things, and allows travel into the astral plane.

Continuing our walk of the sacred circle you find yourself facing North again.

Let's step to the center; simply and intuitively feeling the center in your belly.  Feet firmly planted on the ground.  For me, it feels like butterflies in my belly.

Then like the Sorceress this path has made me…I toss my hands and imagination up toward the heavens and grow the sacred circle all the way up to tap into the energy of the Universe.  My imagination soars.

Then softly, but firmly my hands flow below and in my mind’s eye taking the circle down through crust, mantle, outer core,  to her inner core and feel the strength and energy of Gaia.
Finally, I bring the power of the circle to center and greet Spirit. No explanation needed here – You speak (or listen) to Spirit one-on-one.

Seal the circle as you choose.  I stomp my foot on the ground and sense it all come together.
Inside this sacred circle, you work the energies you have invited to protect; you work with the energy of plants, herbs, stones, candles, your imagination, your intention and your will to create the world which makes you happy, healthy and wise.

Once the magick has been completed – close the circle – and you must always, always close the circle.  Magick will grow chaotic wherever you’ve opened a circle and not closed.
There is so much more - so until you are ready to do further study – don’t attempt.  I don’t want to scare you, BUT the Craft is a responsibility – you’re trifling with Nature – so you must be respectful.

This isn’t the only way to meet the energies that surround us and are available to us.  There are many ways to connect with energy.

This is by no means all there is to the Craft.  We are only beautiful humans and life happens, but walking this sacred path you have all the tools to make your world and, with permission, those you love better.  The tool which the Creator has given you – yourself.  If this is your calling – you will learn to trust in what you do or it won’t work.  Magick fizzles out sometimes.  For many reasons.

What are the benefits of Witchcraft? – there’s just too many to mention.   So pick up your broom, saddle up and let your imagination take flight!

Yes…simply imagine.